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Experiments (Setup)

The Experiments section in GrowthBook is all about analyzing raw experiment results in a data source.

Before analyzing results, you need to actually run the experiment. This can be done in several ways:

When you go to add an experiment in GrowthBook, it will first look in your data source for any new experiment ids and prompt you to import them. If none are found, you can enter the experiment settings yourself.

Adding an Experiment

You can add an experiment analysis to GrowthBook in a few ways.

Starting an Experiment Analysis from a Feature

This is the easiest way to start a new analysis if you have a Feature set up. Navigate to the Feature of interest and click "View results" in the Experiment Rule of the Feature. Read more about running feature experiments here.

Importing an Experiment Analysis from your Data Source

You can also import an analysis directly from your Data Source using your configured Experiment Assignment Source. If you navigate to the Experiment page in the left toolbar and click Add Experiment, you'll see the following panel.

Experiment Import Modal

On this modal you can either create an experiment using some metadata that we infer from your metric source using the Import buttons on the right hand side. You can also manually create an experiment from scratch.

Experiment Configuration

There are several different ways to configure your experiment analysis.

Experiment Metadata

On the experiment page in the "Overview" tab near the top of the page, you can see the experiment name, tags description, hypothesis, and variation metadata. You can edit these fields as you see fit to help describe and categorize your experiment.

Experiment Targeting and Traffic

You can also configure targeting and traffic to your experiment's linked feature flags or visual editor changes. These settings do not have any effect on an experiment that is performing analysis only (with the exception of "experiment key"). On the "Overview" tab, you will see a section called "Targeting and Traffic" which allows you to modify these settings, such as:

Experiment Key (tracking key) - This is the key that will be used when filtering your experiment assignment source to query experiment exposure data.

Hashing attribute - This is the attribute that will be used to hash the user id to determine which variation they will be bucketed into.

Fallback attribute (Sticky Bucketing enabled only) - The Fallback attribute be used when the hash attribute is missing or empty. For example falling back to an anonymous cookie identifier instead of a logged-in user id. Which ever attribute is first used to bucket the user into a variation will "stick". For example, if the user is logged out when they first view an experiment, it would use the fallback device id. If the user later logs in, it will continue using the bucket from their device id, even though they now have a logged-in id as well.

Targeting - Create matching conditions using attributes and saved groups or target by namespaces.

Traffic - Choose the percentage of traffic (coverage) and set the relative weights of each variation.

Analysis Settings

Here is where much of your experiment analysis is configured. Many of the fields here have some text explaining how they affect your analysis. Here are a few of them in more detail:

Experiment Key

Activation Metric - A binomial metric that will filter the users in your analysis to only those who have converted on this binomial metric. This should only be used if activation is expected to be independent of experiment assignment. If an experiment affects the activation metric directly, then there is the potential for bias in your analysis.

Metric Conversion Windows - Some of your metrics may have "conversion windows" defined for them. For those metrics, we build a window for each user based on when they were first exposed to the experiment. If a user's first exposure to an experiment was recent (for a running experiment) or or near the end of a stopped experiment, they may not have had the full window to convert before the analysis window closes. You may exclude these users with "In-Progress Conversions" if you want your experiment averages to only include those who have had the full window to convert.

Conversion Override

Previously called "Attribution Model" in the UI, this setting lets you use an experiment level override to disable all conversion windows and instead use the exposure period for a user (from their first exposure until the end of the experiment) as the metric window. You can read more about Metric Windows on the Metric documentation page.

  • Respect Conversion Windows - This setting ensures that all conversion windows on your metrics are respected.
  • Ignore Conversion Windows - This setting overrides all metrics to be as if they had no conversion windows. Lookback windows will not be overriden by this setting.

For those familiar with he "Experiment Duration" attribution model, choosing "Ignore Conversion Windows" will work the same way, and you should know that you can now specify the metric window behavior on a metric-by-metric basis (see the Metric documentation page).

Experiment Metrics

You can add metrics as goal metrics, guardrail metrics, or both. You also can add "Metric Overrides" which provide experiment-specific controls for metrics, allowing you to override the metric's defaults for, for example, metric windows and risk thresholds.

Experiment Phases

Experiment Phases can help you filter the dates used in the experiment analysis. Be very careful using phases. If you move the start date of the phase to past the start date of the experiment (and users were not re-randomized across phases), then your analysis could suffer from carryover bias. It is best to always look at the full history of an experiment if possible.

Making Changes While Running

We allow you make changes to an experiment's targeting while it is running. This is especially useful if you want to start running on a small percent of traffic and then gradually ramp up exposure. To make a change to a running experiment, click the "Make Changes" button on the top of the experiment page.

You will then be asked what sort of change you want to make, with options ranging from targeting changes to traffic and variation weight changes. You may also make multiple changes at once by choosing "advanced".

Based on what you are changing, we will provide a list of possible release plans for that change and provide a recommended plan to use. The UI should guide you to make the correct recommended choice in most cases, but you are able to change this if desired.

When changing a single targeting or traffic setting, your release plan options may include:

  • New phase, re-randomize traffic
  • Same phase, apply changes to everyone
  • Same phase, apply changes to new traffic only (Sticky Bucketing enabled only)

Note that potentially unsafe options per your specific changes may be removed (often "Same phase" options are unsafe for certain types of changes).

When using "advanced" to make multiple targeting or traffic changes at once, all above options will be made available (including potentially unsafe ones), as well as an additional option:

  • New Phase, re-randomize traffic, block bucketed users (Sticky Bucketing enabled only)

If you are not making targeting or traffic changes and simply want to start a new phase, the release plan options will be:

  • New phase, re-randomize traffic
  • New phase, do not re-randomize

Update the existing phase

This modifies the experiment in-place without resetting results or re-randomizing users. This provides the best user experience for your users and you can re-use data that was already collected, which can reduce the time the experiment needs to run.

However, if you're not careful, this can introduce significant bias and data quality issues into your results. A few categories of changes are broadly considered "safe" and if you are only making these changes, this is the approach we recommend going with. The "safe" changes are:

  • Increasing the percent of people included in the experiment
  • Removing a condition from an experiment (e.g. going from "US visitors only" to "All visitors")
  • Removing an experiment from a namespace

All of these changes have something in common - they are simply increasing the number of users exposed to the experiment. There is no effect on existing users in the experiment.

If you have Sticky Bucketing enabled, you may also elect to apply changes to new traffic only, leaving already-bucketed users in their existing (sticky) buckets. An example of this scenario could be decreasing the percent of people included in the experiment for all new incoming users, but leaving existing users in their existing buckets.

Start a new phase

This creates a brand new phase of the experiment. All data collected until this point is excluded from the analysis and you start fresh (nothing is deleted from your data warehouse, we just hide old data from the results).

In most cases, you will also want to re-randomize traffic. This will cause everyone - including existing experiment users - to get assigned a new random variation. This can be a disruptive user experience since many people will switch from Control to Treatment (or vice versa).

Why would you ever want to do this? Some changes you make completely invalidate past results so this lets you cleanly separate the data analysis from before and after you make the change. Re-randomizing traffic can also eliminate carryover bias and make your results more reliable and accurate.

We recommend this approach for any change that is not considered "safe" (listed above). This can include (but not limited to):

  • Changing the traffic split (weights) between variations
  • Adding a new targeting condition
  • Decreasing the percent of people included

Because of how disruptive this can be, it's best to plan ahead before starting an experiment. It's better to start with more conservative targeting and scale up than the reverse (starting big and scaling back).

As before, if you have Sticky Bucketing enabled, you have some additional options about how to treat already-bucketed users. By default when starting a new phase, these bucketed users will be reassigned (their sticky bucket will be cleared). You may instead choose to block these users from the experiment going forward (in which case they will still see the control). This strategy is only available in the "advanced" mode.