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URL Redirect Testing

URL Redirect tests are an alternative to using the Visual Editor and are ideal for testing big changes or complete page redesigns.

URL Redirects require a Pro or Enterprise GrowthBook license.

How it Works

You start by specifying an "Original URL". Users who visit this URL will be included in the experiment (assuming they meet all of the other targeting conditions).

You then specify "Destination URLs" for each of your variations. You can also turn off redirects for some of your variations if you want to keep the user on the Original URL.

When a user visits the Original URL and is included in the experiment, they will be assigned a variation. Then, an "Experiment Viewed" event will be sent to your data warehouse. After a short delay (default 100ms) to allow for the tracking event to finish, the user will be redirected to the destination URL.

Redirecting when only query params change

Setting up tests where the redirect URL only varies from the original by the query parameters requires special consideration. You'll need to include the query params you plan to use in the original URL with no value entered in order for our URL targeting to work correctly (i.e. if you want to redirect a user to from, your original URL will need to be


URL Redirect tests require integrating one of our SDKs into your application. Currently, URL Redirect tests are only supported in our Script Tag, Javascript, and ReactJS SDKs. Support for other SDKs is coming soon. Verify URL Redirect tests are enabled for your SDK Connection: Go to SDK Connections, select your SDK connection, click Edit, and ensure that "Enable URL Redirect experiments" is toggled on.

HTML Script Tag

The easiest option is to use our Script Tag SDK. This involves adding a single <script> tag to the HEAD of your website. This option fully works out-of-the-box with no configuration required.

Client-Side JavaScript and React

A more advanced integration involves using our Javascript or ReactJS client-side SDKs.

Besides the standard implementation described in the SDK docs, there are 4 additional settings that control the redirect behavior.

  • navigate - a callback function to perform the redirect. Defaults to (url) => window.location.replace(url).
  • navigateDelay - the number of milliseconds to wait before redirecting. Use this to give time for your analytics tracking callback to finish. Defaults to 100
  • antiFlicker - If true, a white screen will be shown while the redirect is happening to avoid the user seeing a "flicker". Defaults to false.
  • antiFlickerTimeout - the maximum number of milliseconds that the anti-flicker white screen will be shown. Defaults to 3500 (3.5 seconds).

Single Page Apps (SPAs)

If you have a Single Page App (SPA), it's recommended to use your own navigate function to avoid doing full-page redirects. In this case, you also want to set navigateDelay to 0. Here's an example in Next.js

import router from "next/router";

const gb = new GrowthBook({
navigate: (url) => router.replace(url),
navigateDelay: 0,
// ... other settings

It's also super important to update the URL in the GrowthBook instance on every client-side navigation. For example:"routeChangeComplete", (url) => {

Node.js / Edge Workers

It's possible to use our Javascript SDK to perform redirects on the back-end as well, in either a Node.js application or in an edge worker.

Reach out to us on Slack or at if you're interested in helping us beta test this and we can help you get set up.