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Visual Editor

With the Visual Editor, users can design A/B tests on their site directly in their browser, run them in production, and analyze results, all without writing a single line of code. To use the Visual Editor, a software developer will need to integrate GrowthBook's Script Tag, JavaScript, or ReactJS SDKs with your application. Alternatively, use one of our Edge SDKs to render visual experiments on a CDN.


The Visual Editor may not work optimally on client-side rendered apps (e.g. React.js, Vue.js). Consider using Feature Flags instead for smoother integration. Contact if you have any questions.


All you need to get started is the GrowthBook DevTools browser extension installed on your Chrome or Firefox browser. Once you've added it to your browser, you need to add a Personal Access Token (GrowthBook menu).

The application you want to experiment on must be a front-end web application viewed in a browser. Our Visual Editor does not work for mobile apps (Native or ReactNative) or desktop apps (e.g. Electron). For unsupported platforms, we recommend using Feature Flags instead to implement your changes in code.

Once you've create your first experiment and are ready to deploy to production, there are some additional steps required (see Deploying to Production below).

Creating a Visual Experiment

To use the visual editor, first add a new Experiment. This can be done under Experiments in the left nav.

Select the option to design a new experiment. Then, you'll have a series of fields to fill out (hypothesis, variation names, goal metrics, etc.). Don't worry, these can all be changed later.

Once you created an experiment, you should be prompted to open the Visual Editor.

URL Targeting

GrowthBook needs to know what page(s) of your site the experiment should run on.


For URL Targeting to work, you must pass the url targeting attribute into the GrowthBook SDK and also list it in the GrowthBook App. See Targeting Attributes to learn more about targeting users with certain attributes.

If your experiment is going to be on a single static page, enter the full URL and submit (e.g.

If your experiment is going to be on a page with a dynamic URL (e.g. all pages that start with /post/), click on the "Advanced Mode" link.

You'll need to enter 2 different URLs.

  1. A single representative URL you want to load in the Visual Editor (e.g.
  2. A URL targeting pattern to match all of your dynamic URLs

The targeting pattern supports wildcards (*), so for this example, you could enter /post/*.


We recommend sticking with "Simple" URL targeting rules (don't be fooled by the name, it's actually really powerful). The other option (Regex) can be useful for really advanced use cases, but it is much harder to write and more error prone.

Simple Targeting

Our "simple" URL targeting option supports the vast majority of use cases and is easy to use. It supports the following features:

  • Match based on full URLs (e.g.
  • Match based on path (e.g. /pricing)
  • Match based on query strings (e.g. /pricing?utm_source=email)
  • Match based on hashes/anchors (e.g. /pricing#more-info)
  • Wildcards (e.g. /posts/* will match /posts/123 AND /posts/2023/03/30/my-post)
  • Ignores leading and trailing slashes (e.g. pricing, /pricing, and /pricing/ are identical)
  • Ignores the protocol (e.g. https://... will also match http://...)
  • Ignores extra query string parameters (e.g. /pricing/?plan=pro will match /pricing/?utm_source=email&plan=pro&logged-in=true)

Regex Targeting

Our "regex" URL targeting option supports full regular expressions. Writing regular expressions for URLs is very error prone, so be careful and make sure you escape all special characters you don't want to be interpreted. Here's a full example:


You can also match on just the path:


The Visual Editor

There are a number of different tools in the Visual Editor.

The Visual Editor UI

At the top is a dropdown where you can select which variation you are currently editing.

Below that is your toolbar. It has the following tools in order from left to right:

  1. Interactive Mode - Click around your site normally
  2. Selection Mode - Point and click to select an element on your site to edit. This is the most common way to make changes.
  3. Global CSS - Inject global CSS styles into the page. Use this to control things like page background color or font size.
  4. Custom JavaScript - Inject Javascript into the page. Use this to create complex variations.
  5. Change List - See a summary of all of the changes you've made to the page so far

When you're using the Element Selector, after you pick an element to edit, you'll be able to modify the Inner HTML (i.e. the copy), any attributes (e.g. a link HREF), and the list of CSS classes.

When you're finished making changes, click the Done Editing button to be taken back to GrowthBook.

Custom JavaScript

Custom JavaScript is executed as quickly as possible, often times before the page has fully loaded. This gives you the most flexibility in how to implement your experiment.

If you are making changes to elements on the page, make sure you wait until they exist. Below is a small helper function you can add to the top of your Custom JavaScript to help with this:

function waitFor(selector) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const el = document.querySelector(selector);
if (el) return resolve(el);
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
const el = document.querySelector(selector);
if (el) { observer.disconnect(); resolve(el)}
observer.observe(document, {childList: true, subtree: true});

Then, you can use it like so:

waitFor(".my-element").then((el) => {
el.innerHTML = "Hello World!";

Drag and Drop

When in Selection Mode, you can select an element and click to drag and drop it positionally on the page.

Drag and Drop Handle

When an element is selected, you will see a floating handle to move it positionally. Alternatively, you can click anywhere on the selected element to move it as well.

Visual Editor Drag and Drop Handle

Once dragging, the cursor will highlight an edge where the dragged element will land. When you release the cursor the element will move to the indicated spot. If you want to undo the move, click the 'Undo' button that is available for elements that have been dragged.

Visual Editor Drag and Drop Example

Debug Panel

The Visual Editor now comes with a Debug Panel to help diagnose any issues with your SDK configuration and URL Targeting rules. Use this to help diagnose your own errors, or provide a screenshot to our Support team when reaching out to help provide context.

Debug Panel

Deploying to Production

Before you start your first experiment, you will first need to generate a Client Key in GrowthBook. You can get this by creating a new SDK Connection (under SDK Configuration in the left navigation).

Important: Make sure to enable the "Include Visual Experiments" toggle. If you forget this step, Visual Editor experiments will not be sent to your application.

Enable the Visual Editor in your SDK Connection

You can also optionally include Draft Experiments (see below).

Once you create an SDK Connection, you need to follow the steps to integrate GrowthBook into your website.

The easiest and recommended way to do this is with our Script Tag SDK, which works out-of-the-box and doesn't require any configuration for most websites. It's also possible to use either our JavaScript or ReactJS SDKs, although these do require more up-front work to integrate into your application.


If you've already been using our front-end SDKs for feature flagging, make sure you:

  1. Update to the latest SDK version
  2. Follow the "Visual Editor" instructions in the SDK docs

Content Security Policy (CSP) Changes

If your website uses a Content Security Policy (CSP), there are some additional changes you'll need to make. This applies to both SDK and pre-build script tag integration.


Changing the script-src directive in your CSP is only required if you are writing custom JavaScript in the Visual Editor. If you are only changing styles or copy using the point-and-click editor, this is not required and you can skip this section.

If you have the script-src directive defined in your website's CSP, you'll need to enable 'unsafe-inline' and 'unsafe-eval' in order to leverage the Global JavaScript injection feature of the Visual Editor:

Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval';
Using Script Nonces

As an alternative to allowing unsafe-inline, we support "nonces", although this requires some very technical and custom configuration to hook up.

First, you will need to generate a unique nonce value for every request and add it to your CSP header. This can be done on the edge such as with a Cloudflare Worker.

Then, you will need to pass this nonce into your GrowthBook SDK as jsInjectionNonce.

For example, if you are using our Script Tag SDK, you can add the following into your page's <head> BEFORE you load the GrowthBook snippet. Replace all instances of $NONCE with the unique nonce value you generated.

<script nonce="$NONCE">
window.growthbook_config = window.growthbook_config || {};
window.growthbook_config.jsInjectionNonce = "$NONCE";

You will still need to allow unsafe-eval.

Drafts and QA

While the experiment is still a draft, you can preview variations by adding a querystring to your URL.


This requires turning on the "Include Drafts" toggle for your SDK Connection in GrowthBook.

To build the QA preview URL, you'll need the Experiment Id (viewable on the right side of the experiment page under Settings). You'll also need the variation number you want to preview. 0 is the control, 1 is the 1st variation, etc..

Now, just join these together with an equals sign (e.g. my-experiment-id=1). This needs to go in the Querystring part of the URL (after a question mark). Here's a full example:

Until an experiment is moved out of the "draft" phase and started, this is the only way to view it on your site.

Stopping an Experiment

When your experiment is finished, you can click on the Stop Experiment link at the top of results. This will prompt you for several bits of information about why you're stopping and what the conclusion was.

If your variation won, you can optionally enable a Temporary Rollout when stopping. This will continue running your experiment with the same targeting conditions, but send 100% of traffic to the winning variation and disable the trackingCallback from being called.

The reason it's called a "Temporary" Rollout is because you don't want to rely on our SDK to implement the winning variation forever. It's best practice to have your engineering team re-implement the changes directly in your site's code. This is for a number of reasons:

  1. Changes implemented in code are rendered quicker, so your site will load faster
  2. Changes in code will be picked up for SEO
  3. Changes applied through the visual editor require the SDK to download data from GrowthBook. Although lightweight, these stopped experiments can add up over time and further slow down your site.
  4. Reduce the chance of conflicts. If two visual editor experiments try to change the same element at the same time, it will not always work as expected. Moving the winning variation to code will avoid this issue.