Holdout Experiments in GrowthBook
What are holdout experiments?
Holdout experiments (holdouts) are an approach to measuring the long term impact of one feature or a set of features. Essentially, you take some set of users and keep them from seeing new features; you then use them as a control group to measure against some other set of users who are getting all of the features you have launched.
Who uses holdouts?
Large tech companies often use them to measure both the long-term impact of individual features as well as the general evolution of a product that some team owns. We advocate that everyone uses holdouts at some level, even if only to test the long-term impacts of a single feature every now and then, to begin to understand how they work and what they say about the persistence of experiment effects at your company.
Why would I want to run a holdout?
- Holdouts are a great way to measure long-term impact. The impact of features changes over time, as does user behavior, and running an experiment for an extended period can help you understand these effects.
- Holdouts can help you measure the impact of multiple features at once. Experiments can interact with each other in unexpected ways and these interactions can change as time goes on.
Why wouldn't I want to run a holdout?
- Holdouts require you to keep a certain set of users behind the rest in terms of functionality.
- Holdouts require you to maintain feature flags in your codebase for their duration.
- Holdouts work best for logged-in experimentation, but can still be useful with anonymous traffic.
Can I run a holdout experiment in GrowthBook?
Holdouts are a special class of experiment. While the GrowthBook team plans to build dedicated support for holdouts to make them even easier to run, this document will show you how to run them today.
How to run a holdout experiment in GrowthBook
For this tutorial, we will assume the following goals:
- You want to hold out 5% of users from some time period from seeing a set of features (the 5% is customizable)
- You want to measure the impact of testing and launching one or more features to the general population
To achieve these goals we will essentially split our traffic into 2 groups:
- 10% of traffic: your holdout population, split into two sub-groups
- A
holdout control
group here - 5% of global traffic that will never see new features and serves as our holdout control - A
holdout treatment
group - 5% of global traffic that gets experimented on and released to
- A
- Our
general population
- 90% of traffic that gets experimented on and released to, but is not part of measuring the impact of the holdout
1. Create a Holdout Experiment
Create an experiment called, for example, ”Global Holdout Q1 2024”.
Splits: Set coverage to 10% and then use a 50/50 split (again to achieve our 5% holdout control population, which you can customize).
Metrics: Do not use conversion windows with a holdout experiment. Users are going to get exposed to the holdout experiment as soon as you start adding it to features, so conversion windows may close before certain features are launched or tested. We recommend two alternatives:
- Use metrics that have no conversion window to roll up behavior data from their first holdout check until the present, or
- Use a Lookback Window to only measure the last X days of the holdout. For example, if you want to run a holdout for 2 months, but only measure effects in the last month, you can use metrics with 30 day Lookback Windows (you can use metric overrides within the experiment to do this, or create versions of your metrics that use Lookback Windows).
Add a Boolean Feature Flag (in our example, we call this
) to the holdout experiment where the control group gets False, the treatment group gets True, and the default value is also True. -
Start the holdout experiment.
Your feature flag for the holdout should look like this:

Note: an alternative is to use a String Feature Flag with values of holdout
and test
for the holdout experiment and test
for the default value. That way you can more easily interpret the UI when you begin adding the holdout as a prerequisite for future features.
2. Add Holdout as Prerequisite to All Future Features
Now, for any future feature or experiment, you can add the holdout-q1-2024
feature as a prerequisite to hold out the holdout control
group. This can be done in one of two ways.
Prerequisite as targeting condition
Your holdout experiment can be added as a prerequisite targeting condition to every Feature Rule you want the holdout to apply to. Whenever creating a feature rule, be sure to add the holdout feature as a prerequisite targeting condition, where users that are True get the feature applied to them. For example, see the following set of rules for the mock feature my-feauture-2024

You can see in the image above that if the prerequisite holdout-q1-2024
is True
, which it will be for the holdout treatment group and the 90% who are not in the holdout control or test group, then the experiment will apply to them. In practice, we check this condition by evaluating the holdout experiment, firing an exposure event for the holdout test, and then only proceeding if they evaluate to True
on way or another.
In other words, the 5% in the holdout control group will skip the feature rule, getting the default feature value, and the 5% in the holdout treatment group and the 90% in the general population will be evaluated for the feature rule. Any time the feature rule is checked, an experiment exposure will be fired for the holdout experiment to ensure you can track the effect of the feature on the holdout population.
Prerequisite rule at top of rule list
A second option is to ensure that every user in the holdout control group gets the default value for your feature flag by creating a rule at the very top of your feature flag that sends all control feature traffic to the default value. You can do that with a Forced Rule that sends all users that are False
on the holdout feature to the default value for your feature flag.
In this instance, your feature flag will look like the following:

If you take this approach, be sure to set the Force Rule to target users that are False
on the holdout feature to ensure the control group gets targeted with this forced rule and therefore excluded from the rest of the feature rules.
3. Launch Features
Once you are ready to launch your feature, you can use "temporary rollouts" as before or you can create custom feature rules to manually target your rollout. Of course, if you create new feature rules you do not want to apply to the holdout, you must either add the holdout experiment as a prerequisite targeting condition for those rules or instead use the approach where the holdout prerequisite is at the top of the list and targeting just those users in the control condition.
4. Monitor your Holdout Experiment!
That's it! Initially, your holdout population will be seeing the same version of the app, so this experiment will show no differences. As you begin testing and rolling out features, you should begin to see differences in the two groups.