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Setting up Prestodb or Trino as a data source

When you create a connection from GrowthBook to Prestodb or Trino, you there are a few connection options.

Connecting to Prestodb or Trino in GrowthBook

GrowthBook uses the presto-client-node library to connect to Prestodb or Trino. You can find more information about the library here.


This option lets you tell the client that your data source is presto or trino. For trino data sources, the connection library adds additional compatibility information to work correctly with trino data sources. The default is presto.

Authentication Options

Basic Auth

If your Prestodb or Trino instance is configured with basic auth, you can provide the username and password in the connection settings.

Custom Auth

For custom authentication, GrowthBook will connect to your Prestodb or Trino instance using the provided HTTP Authorization header with the provided string.


If your Prestodb or Trino instance does not require authentication, or you are doing authentication based on IP or other methods, you can select "None" in the connection settings. This is not recommended for Cloud instances of GrowthBook. In these cases, the 'user' will be set to 'growthbook'.


The url to access your Prestodb or Trino instance. This should include the protocol (http or https).


Presto coordinator port. The default is 8080.

Default Catalog and Schema

GrowthBook will create default queries using the catalog you provide here. If you update this value later, you may have to update existing queries to use the new catalog.


The source field is used to help identify where the connection to presto is coming from. By default, this is set to 'GrowthBook'.